customer service

Tag: customer service

Bizrate Award - One Small Child

Circle of Excellence

Bizrate Award

We keep pretty busy around here…communicating with customers, sewing, filling, shipping orders. Not to mention working on new products and keeping the website up-to-date! It definitely takes the whole crew, and we’re always dancin’!

From time to time, we receive emails about this or that award, and they always bring a smile…but when a lovely crystal trophy shows up in the mail, now that gets some attention! It turns out we have been honored as one of 34 online retailers in Bizrate’s 2010 Platinum Circle of Excellence. When you figure how many thousands of online stores utilize Bizrate’s customer survey service, that’s amazing!

So we owe some big ‘thank you’s to Bizrate, to our wonderful crew, and most of all, to our fantastic, amazing customers. We appreciate your feedback and the opportunity to be of service. And we look forward to many years of the same.
