-Tell us a little about your family and why it is special?
My family is special for many reasons. We are blended and trans-racial family. My husband had 1 daughter and twin boys when we married. One year and 10 months after we married we adopted our our next son and 15 months later were able to add our youngest son through adoption. My husband and his children are African American and our sons and I are Caucasian. Whenever I think of our family, I think of a quote by Martin Luther King Jr. “I have a dream that one day . . . little black boys and little black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.” That is our family.
-What do you do for work/volunteer outside of being a wife and mom?
I was a school teacher for 20 years and quit my job when my boys were 1 and 8 months old to start my own company. I designed a coat that is safe to be worn with a car seat. It is called the Cozywoggle. (They are currently available online here.) I have been in business for almost 3 years now and it has been a wild and amazing ride.
-Is there something your family does on a regular basis for quality time?
We have quite an age spread in our family. Our oldest is 18 and our youngest is 3. Our family’s favorite activity is to spend time at the beach when the weather is good. We also love visiting the monuments and museums at the nations capitol together.
-How do you take time for yourself to recharge?
For me it is very challenging to find time to recharge myself but I am realizing the need for me to do so more every day. I am really drawn to yoga and am finding that practicing is really bringing balance and calm into my life. I also LOVE the occasional night out with girl friends.
-What is your go to, never fail and in a pinch recipe?
Crock pot chicken tacos!
-5 or 6 Chicken breasts
-One jar of salsa
-1 packet of taco seasoning
Put everything in the crock pot on low for 6-8 hours. When it is done cooking, stir and the chicken will shred. Delicious. I freeze the leftovers for enchiladas and taco soup.
-What is the one product you can not live without?
My crock pot and my Deep Dish Covered Baker. They both make for easy dinners which are important for me.
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