At One Small Child, we work hard to bring you wonderful products to shop. But sometimes it doesn’t feel like work at all. Sometimes we get to do the shopping! For our Fall Collection, we shopped for some great dresses and jewelry for our mommy models to wear. Today we’re sharing those gorgeous mommy looks with you. After all, aren’t we mothers always in the background of our littles’ lives? And backgrounds can be beautiful too, right?
{This amazing dress came from The Red Dress Boutique. Isn’t it great for fall?}
{We found this pretty braided cuff (top) at Pink Peonies.com. The other bracelet, the ring and both necklaces came from Elisabeth Ashlie.com. We were very pleased with these companies and their wonderful products!}
We loved the way our fall collection photoshoot turned out! Our awesome photographer was able to capture so many great images of our adorable models and their moms.