Mom Talk Monday: Momtrepreneur Christi Kotter

Christi mom talk - One Small Child
Christi mom talk - One Small Child

Mom Talk Monday

We are so happy to introduce you all to Christi Kotter of Lily’s Closet for Mom Talk Monday! She is a friend of ours and we love her darling children’s line. The fun geometrics and feathers are adorable and we love all of it from the scarves, skirts, dresses, headbands, burp cloths and slouchy beanies. Get to know this amazing Momtrepreneur and how she makes time with her family count. When we started Mom Talk Monday we knew she was a woman we wanted to feature!

-Tell us a little about your family and why it is special?

Our family started out with Kevin and I as high school sweethearts which I think is pretty special. We have been blessed with two darling little boys, and then were pleasantly surprised with a little baby girl 2 years ago. They are my whole universe.

-What do you do for work/volunteer outside of being a wife and mom?

I recently chose to be a stay at home mom and at the same time opened my own sewing business so that I could both support my family and be home when my children need me the most. The clothing is modern children’s clothing and we named the shop after my little girl, Lily’s Closet. It has been the greatest blessing to be able to work from home. I am so grateful for the bonding time with my children. Aside from that I constantly devote a lot of my time to my church and I love every minute of it.

-Is there something your family does on a regular basis for quality time?

Yes we are devoted San Francisco 49er fans! We love making great food and watching the games as a family. When it’s not Football season we love the outdoors we love to go hunting and fishing together. Family time is our favorite time.

-How do you take time for yourself to recharge?

This is something I think we all as mothers need to work on. We devote so much of our time and ourselves to our family that it’s hard to take time for yourself. But I suppose if there is anything I do it would just be a simple relaxing bath with lots of bubbles and some warm hot chocolate. 🙂 And the occasional pedicure sure is nice.

-What is your go to, never fail and in a pinch recipe?

Oh my goodness this happens way more often then I would like to admit but my “Oh no what’s for dinner” go to recipe is believe it or not Shepard’s Pie. Good old comfort food. However most recipes call for red sauce when making this, but we do it differently and I think it tastes way better!


1 lb Hamburger

1 Can Green Beans Drained

1 Can Corn Drained

1 Can Cream of Mushroom Soup

1 Cup Milk

1-2 Cups Mashed Potatoes (Instant works just fine!)

1 Cup Shredded Cheese

Brown Hamburger and drain the fat. Put cooked hamburger in a casserole dish, layer on the green beans then the corn. In a separate bowl mix both the soup and the milk, then pour on top the other ingredients. Lastly top with mashed potatoes and then spread the cheese on top. Cook at 350 for 35-40 minutes and enjoy!

-What is the one product you can not live without?

Disposable Diapers! LOL, just kidding, this is going to sound funny but recently I have developed a love for lipstick. Which I never thought I would say however, as a mom of young children you are constantly running errands and half the time you have a questionable mysterious substance on your clothing. You don’t always have time to fix your hair perfectly or put on your makeup so frequently on those occasions I find that if I put on a dab of lipstick it makes me feel a little prettier and like a lady.

Thanks for the opportunity to let me share a little bit about myself. We absolutely LOVE One Small Child, it’s such a wonderful family business. Thanks for all you do. xoxoxoxo

See for yourself some of Christi’s amazing designs!

Arizona Dreamin’ Dress for Baby

Modern Knit Knot Headband (Set of 3)

Lily’s Closet Shop || Facebook || Instagram

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