We had to share! We found three fun spring treat recipes to try with your kids over the break:
Dipped Frozen Fruit (Top): Frozen fruit is always a cool, refreshing treat! Jazz it up a bit by covering them in melted chocolate! The kids will love dipping and devouring this spring dessert! We found these Frozen Fruit Treats Dipped in Chocolate from Luux.com.
Butterfly Pretzels (Bottom Right): What little girl wouldn’t enjoy decorating these Butterfly Pretzels from Miss CandiQuik? All you’ll need is pretzels, m&m’s and chocolate. But why stop at butterflies? Let the kids create flowers, bugs and other fun spring things. Gather treat decorations of all shapes and colors and let their imaginations run wild!
Jello Frog Ponds (Bottom Left): Aren’t these frog ponds cute? Your little man will love devouring this Frog Pond Jello from See Vanessa Craft. She gives it a different spin by adding other creepy crawly gummies. Add a paper umbrella and some graham cracker ‘sand’ for a beachy jello cup. Add a school of sweedish fish. So fun!